Why Community Building Needs To Be The New Economy

Fat Gay Vegan
5 min readApr 5, 2020

The following is an excerpt from Fat Gay Vegan: Eat, Drink and Live Like You Give a Sh!t. (Nourish Books)

Why should vegans (and all citizens!) work hard to build healthy communities?

Community is not all about vegan beer festivals and eating as much as you can at a potluck. We vegans also need to take action for other members of our community in order to foster solidarity and resist oppression. That might result in you having to extend yourself into situations that don’t directly benefit you personally, but being part of a healthy community is sometimes watching your neighbours succeed or be lifted up instead of you.

If you vote in local and national elections, one of the best ways you can help your community is by not voting for politicians with oppressive agendas or policies. Of course we often look for candidates with the most progressive policies around animal welfare such as members of the European parliament who have been vocal in their support of laws to stop the testing of cosmetics on animals, but we need to also back representatives who are interested in protecting our health and disability services, pushing for fair wages, abolishing damaging working contracts, showing compassion for refugees, bolstering public education and protecting the natural environment.

Some of these campaigning issues might feel disconnected from veganism in your mind, but I can assure you that even as a vegan I have required hospitalisation and education. I…

